Back from my annual trip to NECON, a writers and readers conference/convention held at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island. It's one of my favorite shows, filled with some of my favorite people in the entire world, including F. Paul Wilson, Tom Monteleone, James A. Moore, Christopher Golden, and more people than I can even begin to name here. As usual, I was joined by my NECON posse, Ellen Williams and Dan Waters, who understand and share my geekery for all things book-like. Thanks as always to them and to all the other attendees, especially fellow former Borderlands Boot Camp attendees like Brian Hatcher, John Buja, Kyle Steele, Shelby Rhodes, and Michael M. Hughes. Horror authors Brian Keene and Joe Hill made surprise appearances this year, and I got a chance to talk to them a bit about comics, which is always fun.
While I was away, we started to see some reviews for the DOCTOR WHO ANNUAL 2010, including some incredibly kind
comments from Comic Book Resources about the "Big, Blue Box" story that I wrote and drew. If you haven't picked it up yet, DOCTOR WHO editor Denton Tipton has a preview on his blog,
From The Tip. There are a couple of pages from the "Blue Box" story, along with pages from Jonathan L. Davis and Kelly Yates, and Al Davison.
And now that I'm back, I'm starting in on issue 16 of the current series of IDW's DOCTOR WHO, which is the last issue to feature the 10th Doctor, not to mention the last issue of the series before we relaunch with a new #1 and a new Doctor, the familiarly named 11th Doctor, Matt Smith. I'm looking forward to drawing him, but a little sad to see the David Tennant Doctor go. He was a great Doctor, and I really liked drawing that long, brown coat.