Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friends & Other Things

And while I'm thinking about it... my friend Dan Waters' excellent Young Adult novel GENERATION DEAD is coming out in paperback on April 7th. I really like Dan, I really like his writing, and I really like this book (not to mention it's follow-up KISS OF LIFE). And I'm not embarrassed to say that I wouldn't have found the confidence to write a FADE novel if it wasn't for Dan.

And a reminder that I'll be appearing at the Albany Comic Con on April 5th. I've gotten some requests for sketches (which I'm afraid I won't be doing at the convention, though if you want something, I'll draw it and bring it with me), and for original art (which I will have at the show). If there's a specific page anyone wants from SUPERNATURAL: ORIGINS or MIRROR'S EDGE, let me know and I'll make sure I have it in the stack I bring to the show.

I'm also happy to say that my former collaborator at CrossGen -- Ron Marz -- will be appearing at the Albany Con, so if anyone needs their old issues of THE PATH (at least the ones that I drew) signed by both of the writer and the artist, this is the show for you.


Amanda said...

I was hoping to get into Albany this weekend for an art show and possibly the Con but alas work is making that impossible. I hope you get a great turn out.

matthew dow smith said...

I'm so sorry to miss you. It would be great to catch up.

And might I add that your little avatar is slightly creepy, and yet, frighteningly cute at the same time.

I'll be having nightmares about giant bunny eyes watching me.